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Handwriting Paper, 10.5" x 8", Zaner-Bloser™ (1), Ream, 30#
Handwriting Paper, 10.5" x 8", Zaner-Bloser™ (K), Ream, 30#
Handwriting Paper, 8" x 10 1/2", D'Nealian™ (2 & 3), Zaner-Bloser™ (3), 40 sheet tablet
Handwriting Paper, 8" x 10 1/2", D'Nealian™ (2 & 3), Zaner-Bloser™ (3), Ream, 16#
Handwriting Paper, 8" x 10.5", Zaner-Bloser™ (3), Ream, 30#
Index Cards 4" x 6" Ruled pk 100
Index Cards Lined 3" x 5" pk 100
Index Cards, 3" x 5", Ruled
Index Cards, 3" x 5", Ruled, Assorted Colors
Index Cards, 4" x 6", Ruled
Kid's Drawing Pad, 9" x 12", 40 sheets